Q: Where are we?
A: We are located within the Ground Floor Coworking Space. Please enter through the main doors of the coworking space.
Q: Do I need training before I start?
A: To use the space users MUST be qualified on the machinery they are using. Orientations and certification will take about 1.5 hours
Q: Do I need to book equipment?
A: Yes, you must use our booking system to block off machines for your projects.
Q: Can children use the Makerspace?
A: Children 10-19 can use the Makerspace UNDER GUARDIAN SUPERVISION. The guardian will need a membership, and certification on equipment.
Q: Can I hire someone to make things for me?
A: Currently, no. We encourage people to come in and learn how to create their projects on their own. You gain a new skill AND get your end project.
Q: How do I book a tour?
A: Call 778-517-8802 or email marie@yxcmakerspace.ca or lucy@yxcmakerspace.ca
How it works:
You will require a membership to gain access to the building. See our memberships here. This membership gives you access to both Ground Floor Coworking Space and YXC Makerspace.
General Info:
- Must be 19+ to use our space without adult supervision.
- NO food or drink is permitted within the YXC Makerspace
- Demonstrated competency with our Thunder Nova 23 Laser, 3D printers, and 3D scanners. There is a certification process where you can be trained on this equipment, or you can challenge the certification if you are already proficient.
- The computers are shared so please do not save any files to the computer, instead save files to your own USB
- Before emailing us, please note that YXC Makerspace does not offer commercial services of any kind. In particular, we do not perform laser cutting, 3D printing or other services to order!